Smooth Sailing with EXLRISE:
Harnessing Project Competency for Seamless Implementation

Embarking on a new project can often feel like setting sail into uncharted waters—filled with uncertainties and challenges. However, with EXLRISE by your side, navigating these waters can be a smooth and rewarding journey. Let's explore how our Project Competency Sessions can serve as your compass, guiding you towards successful implementation.

Setting the Course: License Management

At EXLRISE, we understand the importance of starting your journey on solid ground. That's why our Project Competency Sessions begin with thorough License Management. By ensuring that you have the necessary licenses in place, we lay the foundation for a smooth voyage ahead, free from legal obstacles and compliance concerns.

Plotting the Route: New Backup Configuration

Every project requires a carefully plotted route to success. With EXLRISE, you can trust our experts to guide you through New Backup Configuration. By tailoring backups to meet your specific needs—whether it's hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly—we ensure that your data is protected at every turn, giving you peace of mind as you navigate towards your goals.

Choosing the Harbor: Destination Location

Just as sailors seek shelter in a safe harbor, your data needs a secure destination. With EXLRISE, you have the freedom to choose the right harbor for your data—whether it's a NAS, SAN, Cloud, or local drive. By anchoring your data in a secure location, we ensure that it remains safe and accessible, no matter what challenges lie ahead.

Navigating the Tides: Backup Scheduling

In the ever-changing currents of project management, Backup Scheduling is key to staying on course. With EXLRISE, you can rely on our expertise to guide you through turbulent waters. By scheduling backups to align with your business requirements, we ensure that your data remains secure and accessible, even in the face of unexpected challenges.

Preserving Supplies: Retention Policies

Just as sailors stockpile provisions for their journey, Retention Policies ensure that you have an ample supply of backups to rely on. At EXLRISE, we work with you to define retention requirements that meet your needs—ensuring that your data reserves are sufficient for the voyage ahead, and that you're always prepared for whatever comes your way.

Testing the Waters: Test Restores

No voyage is complete without testing the waters. With EXLRISE, you can trust our experts to conduct regular Test Restores, ensuring that your data can be recovered when needed. By validating the integrity of your backups, we give you the confidence to navigate even the most treacherous seas, knowing that your data is secure and accessible at all times.